You may use your iCloud Contacts in ZoiperH5. To do that you will need to do the following:
- Sync your iCloud contacts with your Mac AddressBook. To do that you would need to do the following
- Open System Preferences on you Mac machine;
- Go to iCloud;
- Login to your iCloud account;
- Once logged in select that you would like to sync your Contacts.
- Enable the "Mac AddressBook Service" in ZoiperH5. You have two ways to do that:
- Allow ZoiperH5 to access the Mac AddressBook, which will enable "Mac AddressBook Service" by default;
- To enable the "Mac AddressBook Service" manually by using the next steps:
- Open the Settings menu of Zoiper;
- Select Contacts;
- Choose Mac AddressBook Service;
- Check the Enable checkbox.
- Now you should be able to see your iCloud contacts in ZoiperH5.