Please make an order
The activation username and password you entered are correct, however you do not have the product you are trying to activate in your license pool.
Make sure you are using the correct set of credentials.
Contact our sales team for more assistance.
No more prepaid certificates
The activation username and password you entered are correct, but there are no free licenses in your license pool.
Use our customer login section to manage and reset your certificates.
Incorrect username or password
The activation credentials you are trying to use are incorrect. Make sure you know the correct email address that you used to make your purchase and use the password reset form to reset your password.
SIP 401
It is sent by the server and means there is something wrong with the account credentials you configured.
Try to put your username in the "authentication username" field in the account options.
Depending on the server setup you may need to use a different authusername.
Contact your system administrator or VoIP provider for more assistance.
SIP 403 / Bearer capability not authorized
SIP 403 is shown when the server understands your request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
Contact your VoIP provider for assistance.
SIP 404 / Not found / No route to destination
This message might be displayed:
- if the contact you are trying to call does not exist;
- if your SIP/IAX2 account is not registered;
- if the contact you are trying to call is offline (their VoIP account is not registered);
If you use multiple accounts, you will see a drop-down menu on the main Zoiper window. Make sure that the proper account is selected.
SIP 407
It is sent by the server to notify you that there is something wrong with the server details you configured.
Try to put the voip server's hostname/ip address in the "outbound proxy" field in the account options.
Depending on the server setup you may need to use a different outbound proxy.
Contact your system administrator or VoIP provider for more assistance.
Note that this needs to be a SIP proxy.
SIP 408 / Request timed out
SIP 408 is shown when:
- the request was unable to reach the voip server within the suitable amount of time;
- when the response cannot reach you.
This is usually a NAT related issue. Altering STUN and RPort for the affected account could help. You can find both options in your account configuration under the "Advanced" sub-tab.
Try different combinations (STUN disabled, RPort enabled, vice-versa, both disabled and both enabled ) and try to register again.
You should try altering STUN and rport settings in your account configuration.
Make sure that a routing device/firewall is not blocking any ports used by Zoiper.
Also, make sure you have configured the correct transport setting in Zoiper according to your provider's instructions.
You might need to use UDP, TCP or TLS.
If the issue remains unaffected or if it did not exist before (appeared recently), you should contact your ITSP or network administrator to check if any changes had been introduced to your network setup.
SIP 409 / Temporary failure
There is a temporary network failure. Please retry your request later or report the issue to your network administrator.
SIP 415 / Unsupported media type / Service or option not implemented
It seems that you are trying to use an unsupported codec.
Contact your VoIP provider to find which audio codecs are enabled for your account.
SIP 480 / Temporarily unavailable / No user response
The account you are trying to dial appears to be unavailable.
SIP 500 / Internal Server error
The server could not fulfill the request due to an unexpected condition.
Zoiper did not generate this error, it is just showing what the server sent to it.
Report the issue to your provider for more assistance.
SIP 503 / Transport Failure
This error message is shown when the server is unable to process the request for some reason, for example when the service you are trying to use is unavailable.
Please make sure all account details and the server hostname are entered correctly.
SIP 504 / Gateway timeout / Recovery on timer expiry
This error message indicatesa network issue.
Make sure your firewall is not blocking the default ports used by Zoiper.
SIP 603 / Declined
Sip 603 can be seen:
- while attempting call transfer. If so, please check with your server administrator or Vo IP provider if SIP REFER is suported.
- when the destination does not wish to participate in the call, or cannot do so. Double check if the audio codecs that you are using are supported. You might need to ask your provider or administrator for more assistance.
SIP 923 / No DNS results / Service or option unavailable
It is usually shown when:
- the server information is not provided correctly;
- the transport type is not selected as necessary;
- the outbound proxy provided is not needed or incorrect;
- the contact you are trying to dial is offline;
- the contact on the other side uses an unsupported by his PBX server audio codec (which causes him to seem to be offline).
Try pinging the domain/IP of the server and check your account configuration.
Error 57
Error 57 is associated with SIP response codes 401, 403 and 407. One of these is the actual response by the PBX/VoIP server to your (registration) request. You need to contact your VoIP provider/PBX administrator for more information.
Error 102
Error 102 reffers to SIP 408 "Request timeout". This indicates that the request(call, register, etc) does not reach the VoIP server or the response does not reach Zoiper.