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Uninstall Zoiper




Uninstalling Zoiper  for Windows

Exit Zoiper by using the tray icon -> exit or use the Settings menu -> Exit.

Make sure that Zoiper is not running.

Open your Windows application manager and uninstall Zoiper as you would do with any other program.


Removing the configuration files

You will need to remove the configuration files manually. Open a file browser, type %APPDATA% in the address bar and press Enter. Remove the folder named Zoiper*.


*The folder might be also named "ZoiperBiz", "Zoiper" or "ZoiperH5" depending on the product version that you are using.




Configuration files:

Zoiper will create individual folders in each user's home folder to keep its configuration files. To access it, open a file browser, type ~/.Zoiper in the address bar and press Enter.


Uninstalling Zoiper for Linux

Exit Zoiper by using the tray icon -> exit or use the Settings menu -> Exit.

Make sure that Zoiper is not running.

open a terminal application - like konsole, xterm or gnome-terminal;
type :

sudo su

then press Enter and type your password to become a superuser;
use cd to reach the install folder of Zoiper. By default it is /usr/share/Zoiper

cd /usr/share/Zoiper

then execute the Uninstall script:




Removing the configuration files

You will need to remove the configuration files manually. As mentioned above, they are located in the ~/.Zoiper* folder in the home directory.


*The folder might be also named "ZoiperBiz", "Zoiper" or "ZoiperH5" depending on the product version that you are using.




Configuration files:

Zoiper will create individual folders in each user's home folder to keep its configuration files.

The default configuration folder is ~/Library/Zoiper


To access it, you may use "Go To Folder"( Finder > Go > Go to Folder) and type in :




Uninstalling Zoiper for Mac OS X and removing any potential left-overs:

Make sure that Zoiper is not running - exit the application by using the Settings menu -> Exit.

To remove Zoiper from your Mac you need to drag its icon from the applications menu to the trashbin.

Then open "Applications -> Utilities ->" and type following command:


open /private/var/db/receipts 



When you press Enter, a new Finder window will open.

Find the files which names begins with "com.zoiper" and drag and drop them into the trash bin as well.


Removing the configuration files

You will need to remove the configuration files manually. As mentioned above, they are located in the ~/Library/Zoiper folder in the home directory.