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Zoiper for iOS appears on Russian, French or other language which I do not use or know

With iOS above version 10, some users might notice that their Zoiper is in a language which they do not use on their iPhones, e.g. Russian, while the phone is set to German.

This happens because Zoiper does not have support for German and will stay to the last used supported language. We will resolve this in a future update.

As a workaround:

  1. go to your iPhone's language settings.
  2. Choose a language which is supported by Zoiper, e.g. English, French, Russian.
  3. Then go back to Zoiper. You will notice your Zoiper being set on the newly chosen language.
  4. You can then go back to your iPhone's language selection and choose your native language.

If you have chosen English and then switched to German, your Zoiper will now appear in English.