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Frequently Asked Questions

Zoiper5 command line parameters and silent install or uninstall



Zoiper [--show] [--uac <str>] [--dial <str>] [--hang <str>] [--config-path <str>] [--help] [--testing] [--no-sandbox] [phone number to be dialed...]

--show restores the phone if it was minimized
--uac=<str> runs the app into UAC mode to apply restricted options
--dial=<str> dials the specified phone number
--hang=<str> if the value is : all - it will end all calls; current - it will end the active call
--config-path=<str> changes the default configuration path
--help prints the command line help

 --proxy-server arg          sets custom proxy server <proxy-host>:<proxy-port> for use along with command line activation process. It has no effect if not used along with activation-username parameter
 --proxy-server-username arg proxy username used along with proxy server provided with the proxy-server parameter
 --proxy-server-password arg proxy password used along with proxy server provided with the proxy-server parameter


For mass deployment(silent installation) you can run the Zoiper installer with the " --mode unattended " command line parameter.

To activate Zoiper you can use:

Windows and Linux:

"\pathToZoiper5\Zoiper5" --activation-username=arg --activation-password=arg

To activate Zoiper through Proxy server:

"\pathToZoiper5\Zoiper5" --activation-username=arg --activation-password=arg --proxy-server=arg

To activate Zoiper through Proxy server that uses authentication:

"\pathToZoiper5\Zoiper5" --activation-username=arg --activation-password=arg --proxy-server=arg --proxy-server-username=arg --proxy-server-password=arg




Change the working directory from the terminal (cd) to:

 cd "/Applications/ Helper (Renderer).app/Contents/MacOS"

Then execute:

./Zoiper5\ Helper\ \(Renderer\) --activation-username=your_username --activation-password=your_password

 If proxy is to be used:

./Zoiper5\ Helper\ \(Renderer\) --activation-username=your_username --activation-password=your_password --proxy-server=arg

 If proxy that requires authentication is to be used:

./Zoiper5\ Helper\ \(Renderer\) --activation-username=your_username --activation-password=your_password --proxy-server=arg --proxy-server-username=arg --proxy-server-password=arg





For silent uninstall on Windows:

Silent Uninstall (32-bit System)
"%ProgramFiles%\Zoiper5\Uninstall.exe" --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none

Silent Uninstall (64-bit System)
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Zoiper5\Uninstall.exe" --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none 



Note, after you activate Zoiper it will not launch automatically.