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Zoiper 5 registration on Cisco CUCM 11.x

Security Profile

You must first have a Security Profile set up. To create one or to verify that you have an existing one, go to System > Security > Phone Security Profile. The Find and List Phone Security Profile window will open.

1. Click Add New. Select the Phone Security Profile Type

If you plan to use Zoiper for audio and video, select Third-party SIP Device (Advanced):

2. Click Next. The Phone Security Profile Information window opens

3. Enter a Name and a Description for the security profile. (Cisco suggests putting the device model and protocol in the name to aid in finding the correct profile if you need to search for or update the profile.):

4. Select the Enable Digest Authentication check box:

5. Click Save.


Add a new user

Next, add a new user. Follow these steps:

1. Go to User Management > End User.

2. Click Add New. The User Information window will open:

3. In User ID, enter a user name. This same user name will serve as the Username in Zoiper.

4. Password and PIN are not required. Leave them blank.

5. The Last name box serves only as an internal descriptor; you may enter the end user’s last name or some descriptive term, as shown.

6. In Digest Credentials, type a string of alphanumeric characters that will serve as the Proxy Password in Zoiper. Enter the same string in Confirm Digest Credentials.

7. Leave the other boxes blank or at their default values.

8. Click Save.


Add a new device

The new device will link to both the Security Profile
created or configured earlier and the New User
created in the previous steps.

1. Go to Device > Phone. The Find and List
Phones window will open.
2. Click Add New.
3. In the Add a New Phone window, select
the Phone Type from the list and select Third-party SIP Device (Advanced).

Click Next. The Phone Configuration window will open.
4. Go to the Device Information pane. In the MAC Address box, type any 12-digit
MAC. Use only alphanumeric characters, with no colons or
other separators:

The Description box will populate automatically after the complete MAC address has been

5. In the Device Pool list, select the one in which this device will operate. Ensure that Zoiper
supports the codec used by the pool.

6. In the Phone Button Template list, select Third-Party SIP Device (Advanced).

In the Owner User ID list, select the User ID created
earlier in this procedure.

Leave the remaining Device Information
boxes as they are, at their default values.

7. Go to the Protocol Specific Information
pane. In the Device Security
Profile list, select the Security Profile created
earlier in this procedure:

8. In the SIP Profile list, select Standard SIP Profile.

8. In the Digest User list, select the User ID
created earlier.

9. Leave the remaining Protocol Specific
Information and MLPP Information boxes as they are, at their default values.

10. Click Save.

11. A new pane called Association Information will
appear in the upper left of the Phone Configuration window:

12. Click Line [1] – Add a new DN. The Directory Number Configuration window will open.

13. In the Directory Number Information pane, type the directory number of the extension in the
Directory Number box. This number will serve as the User Name in Zoiper:

14. Leave the remaining boxes as they are, at their default values.

15. Click Save.

16. If you are setting up a two-line configuration, click Line [2] – Add a new DN and repeat
steps 13 through 15, using a new Directory Number.

17. Go back to the User Management > End User and in the User created earlier in Device Information click on the Device Association button and add the device created earlier:


To make Registration work properly it's needed to set SIP Realm Station equal to Hostname.

The hostname is configured in the Cisco Unified OS Administration ( http://server-name/cmplatform )

Settings > IP > Ethernet. ( in our case we have cucm11):

 To update SIP Realm Station parameter, perform the following procedure:

1. In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose System > Service Parameters.

2. From the Server drop-down list box, choose a node where you activated the Cisco CallManager service.

3. From the Service drop-down list box, choose the Cisco CallManager service. Verify that the word "Active" displays next to the service name.

4. Update the SIP Realm Station parameter ( in our case we have cucm11):

5. Click Save.

 CallManager setup is complete.

Set Up Zoiper 5

1. In the Domain box, enter the CUCM Hostname/SIP Realm Station.

2. In the Username box, enter the Directory Number assigned earlier in CallManager.

3. In the Password box, enter the Digest Credentials of User ID assigned earlier in CallManager.

4. Mark Use auth. username and enter the User ID assigned earlier in CallManager.

5. Mark Use outbound proxy and enter the IP address of the CUCM.

6. In the Voice Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) choose After Registration (Cisco)