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acceptCall() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Accepts an incoming call Accepts an incoming call and opens audio and video channels for communication.
acceptCall() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Accepts an incoming call Accepts an incoming call and opens audio and video channels for communication.
acceptCallTransfer() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Accept a call transfer request Accept a call transfer request and creates a new outgoing call to the transfer target.
acceptCallTransfer() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Accept a call transfer request Accept a call transfer request and creates a new outgoing call to the transfer target.
acceptedAt() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
Acceptance time of the call Time and date when call was accepted in SO 8601 Format.
acceptVideo(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Accepts an incoming offer for video
acceptVideo(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Accepts an incoming offer for video
accessToken() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoServiceState
The new Banafo Service Access Token Contains the new access token that is going to be used for requests if the new state is BanafoServicestateType::Authorized.
Account - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
The main account class
Account(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
AccountConfig - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
General account configuration
AccountConfig(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
AccountEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
accountID() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Gets the ID of the account
accountName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Gets the account name
accountName(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Configures the account name
accountProvider() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the account information and control provider Manages creation and destruction of user accounts and provides information regarding them.
AccountProvider - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Providers
Account information and control provider Manages creation and destruction of user accounts and provides information regarding them.
AccountProvider(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
AccountProviderEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
accountsCount() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Gets the count of all active accounts
AccountStatus - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Account registration status
acquireVideoSinkMngrFromCall(Call) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Acquire video sink from call
activated() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Activation
Gets the activation status
Activation - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Handles the Activation process of the ZDK
Activation(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Activation
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
activation() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the ZDK's Activation process handler
ActivationFlags - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Activation flags used to adjust the activation procedure for different platforms and conditions.
ActivationResult - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Activation process result This structior is filled and fired in ContextEventsHandler onContextActivationCompleted only if the activation process has completed unambiguously.
ActivationResult(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.ActivationResult
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
ActivationStatus - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Activation status result types
activeCall() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.CallsProvider
Gets the currently active call
ActiveCallChange - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Use this enum to control what to do with other currently active calls.
activeFacilities() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Log
Gets the list with all enabled logging facilities Debug log entries will be added only from the listed facilities.
activeFacilities(List<LoggingFacility>) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Log
Configures the list with all enabled logging facilities Debug log entries will be added only from the listed facilities.
actualNameList() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.SecureCertData
Gets the actual certificate names list The function gets the actual certificate names list.
actualRegistrationExpiry() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
addAccountProviderListener(AccountProviderEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Adds a new account provider event listener All added listeners will be notified for each event.
addActiveCallListener(CallsProviderEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.CallsProvider
Adds a new calls provider event listener All added listeners will be notified for each event.
addBanafoListener(BanafoEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Adds a new Banafo Service event listener All added listeners will be notified for each event.
addCall(Call) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Adds a call to the conference Adds a call to the conference.
addCertificates(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.EncryptionConfiguration
Adds TLS certificates from a PEM file Adds the certificates found in the file.
addCertificatesDirect(byte[], int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.EncryptionConfiguration
Adds TLS certificates from memory Adds the certificates at that memory location.
addConferenceProviderListener(ConferenceProviderEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Adds a new conference provider event listener All added listeners will be notified for each event.
additionalHeaders() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets a list with SIP Header fields to be added to a set of SIP Request Methods Adds a list of header fields with its value to the list of custom headers to be added to each SIP request specified in @p HeaderField::Method, made by this SIP user.
additionalHeaders(List<HeaderField>) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets a list with SIP Header fields to be added to a set of SIP Request Methods Adds a list of header fields with its value to the list of custom headers to be added to each SIP request specified in @p HeaderField::Method, made by this SIP user.
addKnownCertificate(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.EncryptionConfiguration
Adds a certificate to the exception list Adds the given certificate to the list of exceptions.
addProtocol(ProtocolType, int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Creates a call manager instance for a protocol Creates a call manager instance for a specific protocol.
addSoundFromFile(String, AudioFileFormat, boolean, int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Load a sound from a file Loads a sound from a file.
addSoundFromMemory(byte[], int, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Load a sound from a memory buffer Creates a sound structure and copies the provided samples into its buffers.
addStatusListener(AudioEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Adds audio events listener
allowOnPrivateAddress() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Gets the configured usage of a STUN server on PRIVATE IP address Configures whether to allow or not using STUN on PRIVATE address.
allowOnPrivateAddress(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Configures whether a STUN server on PRIVATE IP address may be used Configures whether to allow or not using STUN on PRIVATE address.
allowWithPrivateSipServer() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Gets the configured usage of STUN when used with SIP server on PRIVATE IP address Configures whether to allow or not using STUN with SIP server on PRIVATE address.
allowWithPrivateSipServer(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Configures whether a STUN may be used with SIP server on PRIVATE IP address Configures whether to allow or not using STUN with SIP server on PRIVATE address.
answerWithVideo() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Gets the state of answer with video
answerWithVideo(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Sets the state of answer with video
anyStarted() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Get the state of the both direction of video The function the state of the both direction of video.The state is changed via start.
approximateLengthMs() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Sound
attendedTransfer(Call) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Initiates an attended call transfer Initiates an attended call transfer.
attendedTransfer(Call) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Initiates an attended call transfer Initiates an attended call transfer.
audioControls() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the audio endpoint's main entry point Entry point for controlling the audio endpoint
AudioDevice - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Audio device description
AudioDevice(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.AudioDevice
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
audioDevices() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets a list with all available audio devices
AudioDeviceState - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Audio device states
AudioDeviceType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Audio device types
audioEndpoint() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets the configured audio routing endpoint to be used !!!NOT MPLEMENTED!!! The ZDK does not provide a mean for controlling the audio routing!
audioEndpoint(AudioRoutingEndpoint) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Configures the audio routing endpoint to be used !!!NOT MPLEMENTED!!! The ZDK does not provide a mean for controlling the audio routing!
AudioEndpointControl - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers
Audio endpoint's main entry point Entry point for controlling the audio endpoint
AudioEndpointControl(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
AudioEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
AudioFileFormat - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Audio file format type
AudioOutputDeviceType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Audio output device types
AudioResampler - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
AudioResampler types Audio resampler is used when the device's native frequency difference from the used codec one.
AudioRoutingEndpoint - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Audio routing endpoint types The types of audio endpoints can be used to route the audio streams to.
audioSourcePreset() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets the configured Audio Source Recorder Preset Currently used only for Android's OpenSLES, but this can change in the future.
audioSourcePreset(AudioSourcePresetType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Configures the Audio Source Recorder Preset Currently used only for Android's OpenSLES, but this can change in the future.
AudioSourcePresetType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Audio source recording preset types NOTE! Currently used only for Android's OpenSLES and AAudio.
AudioVideoCodecs - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Audio and video codec types
auth() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Gets the configured ZRTP Authentication Tag types for the User Gets the ZRTP Authentication Tag types list.
auth(List<ZRTPAuthTag>) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Configures the ZRTP Authentication Tag types for the User Adds the ZRTP Authentication Tag types list.
authUsername() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the user name used for SIP authentication The user name to be used when responding to a SIP authentication challenge.
authUsername(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Changes the user name used for SIP authentication Changes the user name to be used when responding to a SIP authentication challenge.
AutomaticGainControlType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) types
averageInputBitrate() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets the average input bitrate
averageOutputBitrate() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets the average output bitrate


BanafoCall - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Banafo Call Describes the Banafo call.
BanafoCall(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
banafoCallId() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRecording
The Banafo Service's call ID this recording was taken for The Banafo Service's call ID this recording was taken for.
BanafoContact - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Banafo Contact Describes the Banafo contact.
BanafoContact(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
BanafoContactSearchCriteria - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Banafo listing contacts search criteria Describes the search criteria used for listing Banafo contacts.
BanafoContactSearchCriteria(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
BanafoEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
BanafoEventState - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Banafo Service event state Describes the current full state of the automatically created Banafo Service events.
BanafoEventState(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoEventState
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
BanafoEventType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Banafo Service error enum This enum is used to enumerate all the possible events all the ZDK internally created Banafo requests can have.
banafoId() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
The Banafo Service's call ID.
banafoId() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
Banafo contact ID ID of the contact in the external provider (if missing remote id, the returned value is the id from db).
banafoId() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRecording
The Banafo Service's recording ID.
BanafoIntegration - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Banafo Integration Describes the Banafo CRM Integration.
BanafoIntegration(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoIntegration
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
banafoManager() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the ZDK's Banafo manager
BanafoManager - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Providers
Banafo Service Manager
BanafoManager(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
BanafoPhone - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Banafo Phone Describes the Banafo Phone.
BanafoPhone(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoPhone
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
BanafoProfile - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Banafo user profile Describes the user Banafo profile.
BanafoProfile(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoProfile
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
BanafoRecording - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Banafo Recording Describes the Banafo Recording.
BanafoRecording(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRecording
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
BanafoRequestState - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Banafo Request state Describes the current full state of the Banafo Service request.
BanafoRequestState(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRequestState
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
BanafoRequestStateType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Banafo Service request state enum This enum is used to enumerate all the possible states a Banafo Service request can have.
BanafoServiceErrorType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Banafo Service error enum This enum is used to enumerate all the possible errors a Banafo Service can have.
BanafoServiceState - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Banafo Service state Describes the current full state of the Banafo Service.
BanafoServiceState(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoServiceState
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
BanafoServiceStateType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Banafo Service state enum This enum is used to enumerate all the possible states a Banafo Service can have.
blindTransfer(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Initiates an unattended call transfer Initiates an unattended transfer (also called blind transfer).
blindTransfer(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Initiates an unattended call transfer Initiates an unattended transfer (also called blind transfer).
branding() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
branding(BrandingInfo) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
branding() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
branding(BrandingInfo) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
brandingImage() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
brandingImage(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
BrandingInfo - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
BrandingInfo(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
brandingInfo() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Gets the conference branding info
build() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ActivationResult
The build type returned by the activation server in case of successful activation In case of failure it can be either empty string or even null pointer!


cacheExpiry() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Gets the configured ZRTP cache expiry for the User After a ZRTP negotiation between two peers is complete they update their caches based on their configuration and the negotiation expiry times.
cacheExpiry(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Configures the ZRTP cache expiry for the User After a ZRTP negotiation between two peers is complete they update their caches based on their configuration and the negotiation expiry times.
Call - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Call(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
callAutoRejectTimeout() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the auto reject timeout for incoming calls Configures the auto reject timeout for incoming calls in case no action is applied to them (either answer or reject).
callAutoRejectTimeout(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the auto reject timeout for incoming calls Configures the auto reject timeout for incoming calls in case no action is applied to them (either answer or reject).
callChannel() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets call channel
calleeName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Provides the Callee name
calleeName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Provides the Callee name
calleeNumber() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Provides the Callee number
calleeNumber() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Provides the Callee number
callerID() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.IAXConfig
Gets the caller ID used for identification
callerID(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.IAXConfig
Configures the caller ID used for identification
callerID() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the Caller ID used as display name part in the address of record
callerID(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Configures the Caller ID used as display name part in the address of record
callerNumber() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.IAXConfig
Gets the caller number used for identification
callerNumber(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.IAXConfig
Configures the caller number used for identification
CallEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
callHandle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Gets call handle
callHandle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Gets call handle
CallLineStatus - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
State of the call
CallMediaChannel - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Media channel of the call
callNavigationPage() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
callNavigationPage(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
calls() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Gives list with all calls in conference
calls() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.CallsProvider
Gets a list with all calls
callsCount() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Gives the number of calls in conference
callsCount() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.CallsProvider
Gets the count of all calls
CallSecurityLevel - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Call's security level types Indicates what is the current security level of the call
callsInConferences() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Gets the total count of calls in all conferences
callsProvider() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the active calls information provider
CallsProvider - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Providers
Active calls information provider
CallsProvider(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.CallsProvider
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
CallsProviderEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
CallStatus - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Call's status information Show the call's related status information
CallStatus(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.CallStatus
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
CameraSensorLocation - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Location of the active camera
cancelAuthorization() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Cancels Banafo Service authorization process Cancels the Banafo Service authorization process.
cancelRequest(long) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Cancels a Banafo Service request Cancels an already running Banafo service request and discards any results that might be received.
certDataPEM() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.SecureCertData
Gets the certificate itself The function gets the certificate itself, PEM encoded.
certificate() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ActivationResult
The certificate returned by the activation server in case of successful activation In case of failure it can be either empty string or even null pointer!
CertificateError - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Certificate verification error types Used as a bit-field in secureCertData::errorMask
certIssuer() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.SecureCertData
Gets the certificate's issuer
certNotAfter() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.SecureCertData
Gets the certificate's end of validity
certNotBefore() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.SecureCertData
Gets the certificate's start of validity
certSubject() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.SecureCertData
Gets the certificate's subject
channelCount() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Sound
chatSessionEnd(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
End a chat session NOT MPLEMENTED!
checkCodecPermission(AudioVideoCodecs) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Activation
Gets whether a given media (audio/video) codec is enabled and can be used
checkHostname(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Activation
Gets whether a given hostname (domain) is allowed to be used
checkPermission(PermissionType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Activation
Gets whether a given ZDK functionality is enabled and can be used
checksum() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ActivationResult
The checksum of the ZDK library returned by the activation server In case of failure it can be either empty string or even null pointer!
cid() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Gets the Push ID ("pn-cid" parameter) used for registering a device at the Push Proxy
cid(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Sets the Push ID ("pn-cid" parameter) used for registering a device at the Push Proxy
cipher() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Gets the configured ZRTP Cipher Algorithms for the User Gets the specified ZRTP Cipher Algorithm list.
cipher(List<ZRTPCipherAlgorithm>) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Configures the ZRTP Cipher Algorithms for the User Adds the specified ZRTP Cipher Algorithm list.
clearMediaCodecs() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Clears the account's codec list Equivalent to providing an empty list to mediaCodecs.
code() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Result
Gets the code representation of the status result of API invocation
code() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.TranscriptLanguage
ETF language code tag
codec() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Gets the codec used in the video call
codec(AudioVideoCodecs) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Sets the codec used in the video call
codecInUse() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Provides the used codec
codecInUse() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Provides the used codec
com.zoiper.zdk - package com.zoiper.zdk
com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations - package com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers - package com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers
com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers - package com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
com.zoiper.zdk.Providers - package com.zoiper.zdk.Providers
com.zoiper.zdk.Types - package com.zoiper.zdk.Types
com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp - package com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp
company() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
Name of the company Name of the company.
Conference - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Conference(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
conferenceContainingCall(Call) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Gets the conference in which the provided call is part of Returns the conference in which the given call is part of, if it is part of any, otherwise a null pointer is returned.
ConferenceEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
conferenceHandle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Gets conference handle The function returns the conference handler
conferenceProvider() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the conference controlling helper
ConferenceProvider - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Providers
Conference controlling helper
ConferenceProvider(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
ConferenceProviderEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
conferencesCount() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Gets the count of all conferences
configuration() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Gets a COPY of the account configuration Changes in the returned configuration are not handled!
configuration(AccountConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Sets the account configuration All changes checks and actions are taken automatically - e.g.
configuration() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the general ZDK/Context configuration The configuration is applied with startContext! Any changes after startContext has been invoked will not take effect until a restart happens - stopContext followed by startContext.
configureCallRecordFormat(AudioFileFormat) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Configures a call recording's encoding format and its specific settings.
configureCallRecordFormat(AudioFileFormat) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Configures a call recording's encoding format and its specific settings.
confirmZrtpSas(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Enables ZRTP
confirmZrtpSas(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Enables ZRTP
connectionPersistence() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Configures connection persistence for a user Enables or disables the connection persistence option for a user (ENABLED by default).
connectionPersistence(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Configures connection persistence for a user Enables or disables the connection persistence option for a user (ENABLED by default).
contact() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
Remote user's contact Remote user's contact.
contactId() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
Contact ID of the required contact Contact ID of the required contact.
ContactStateType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
The contact presence state types
ContactType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Contact type enum This enum is used to enumerate all the contact types.
content() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Message
Gets the message content
content(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Message
Sets the message content
context() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.IAXConfig
Gets the context in use
context(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.IAXConfig
Configures the context to be used
Context - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
ZDK's main entry point
Context(Object) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Constructor initializing the underlying native object
Context(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
ContextConfiguration - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
General ZDK/Context configuration The configuration is applied with startContext! Any changes after startContext has been invoked will not take effect until a restart happens - stopContext followed by startContext.
ContextConfiguration(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
ContextEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
contextRunning() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Returnes whether the context is running and functional
createAccountConfiguration() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Creates a new empty account configuration
createCall(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Creates and starts an outgoing call Creates a call originating from the specified user and starts it.
createCall(String, String, String, String, OriginType, String, String, String, String, String, String, BanafoContact) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Creates a BanafoCall object Creates a BanafoCall object
createCallWithDefaultAccount(String, boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.CallsProvider
Creates a call with the default account Creates a call with the AccountProvider's defaultAccount.
createConference(List<Call>) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Creates a new conferene with the provided calls ConferenceProviderEventsHandler's onConferenceAdded is invoked on successful creation of the conference.
createContact(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, ContactType, String, String, List<String>, List<BanafoPhone>) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Creates a BanafoContact object Creates a BanafoContact object that can be used with setCallContact
createContactSearchCriteria(String, String, String, List<ContactType>, String, String, boolean, String, int, int, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Creates a BanafoContactSearchCriteria object Creates a BanafoContactSearchCriteria object to be used for listContacts
createdAt() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoIntegration
Creation date Date of creation of the integration.
createDNSRequest() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.DNSRequestProvider
Creates a new EMPTY DNS resolve requst
createIAXConfiguration() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Creates a new empty IAX configuration
createMessage(MessageType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Creates a new EMPTY chat message with the given type Creates and returns a new empty chat message from the given type that has to be filled in and then sent!
createMSRPConfiguration() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Creates a new empty MSRP configuration
createOfflineActivationFile(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Activation
Creates a file required for offline activation For Zoiper internal use only! For SDK builds see createOfflineActivationFileSDK! Creates a file required for offline activation 1.
createOfflineActivationFileSDK(String, String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Activation
Creates a file required for offline activation For SDK products only! For Zoiper internal use see createOfflineActivationFile! Creates a file required for offline activation 1.
createProxyConfig(ProxyProtocolType, ProxyModeType, String, int, String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ProxyManager
Creates a new Proxy configuration with the given parameters If mode is ZDK::ProxyModeType::Environemnt, the environment/system settings are used and arugments _hostname_ and _port_ are ignored.
createPushConfiguration() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Creates a new empty Push configuration
createRecording(String, String, String, String, List<RecordingStream>) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Creates a BanafoRecording object Creates a BanafoRecording object
createRecordingStream(RecordingType, String, String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Creates a RecordingStream object Creates a RecordingStream object
createSIPConfiguration() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Creates a new empty SIP configuration
createSIPHeaderField(String, List<String>, SipMethodTypes) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Creates a SIP header
createStunConfiguration() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Creates a new empty STUN configuration
createUser() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Creates a new user account Creates a new protocol user, based on the assigned configuration, that can be used to register on a server for incoming calls, create outgoing calls, subscribe for presence, etc.
createUserAccount() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Creates a new user account Creates a new user that can be used to register on a server for incoming calls, create outgoing calls, subscribe for presence, etc.
createZRTPConfiguration() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Creates a new empty ZRTP configuration
currentInputBitrate() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets current input bitrate
currentInputLossPermil() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets the current input loss permil
currentOutputBitrate() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets the total output bytes payload


defaultAccount() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Gets the default account
defaultContactImage() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
defaultContactImage(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
deleteUserAccount(Account) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Destroys an user account Destroys an user account object and all related structures.
deviceGUID() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Gets the previously stored per account Device GUID !!!NOTE!!! NOT used internally!
deviceGUID(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Sets per account Device GUID !!!NOTE!!! NOT used internally!
dir() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Gets the direction of the video call
dir(OriginType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Sets the direction of the video call
displayName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
Fullname of the contact Fullname of the contact.
DNSRequest - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
DNSRequest(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.DNSRequest
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
DNSRequestEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
dnsRequestHandle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.DNSRequest
Gets DNS handle
dnsRequestProvider() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the DNS resolving requests provider
DNSRequestProvider - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Providers
DNS resolving requests provider
DNSRequestProvider(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.DNSRequestProvider
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
domain() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the user domain This is the domain part of the address of record.
domain(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the user domain This is the domain part of the address of record.
domain() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Gets the configured local domain name A default TLS transport is always initialized.
domain(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Configures the local domain name A default TLS transport is always initialized.
domainCert() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Gets the configured domain certificate to be load If not set (or set to NULL) AND domain is also not set (or set to NULL) only the default TLS transport will be initialized.
domainCert(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Configures the domain certificate to be load If not set (or set to NULL) AND domain is also not set (or set to NULL) only the default TLS transport will be initialized.
domainCertPassphrase() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Gets the configured domain certificate passphrase Can optionally contain the plaintext passphrase protecting the key set with domainCert.
domainCertPassphrase(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Configures the domain certificate passphrase Can optionally contain the plaintext passphrase protecting the key set with domainCert.
dropAccountProviderListener(AccountProviderEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Removes a specific already added account provider event listener All added/left listeners will be notified for each event.
dropActiveCallListener(CallsProviderEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.CallsProvider
Removes a specific already added calls provider event listener All added/left listeners will be notified for each event.
dropAllEventListeners() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Drops all event listeners
dropAllEventListeners() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Drops all event listeners
dropBanafoListener(BanafoEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Removes a specific already added Banafo Service event listener All added/left listeners will be notified for each event.
dropCallStatusListener(CallEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Drops Call status listener
dropCallStatusListener(CallEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Drops Call status listener
dropConferenceEventsListener(ConferenceEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Drops Conference Events Listener
dropConferenceProviderListener(ConferenceProviderEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Removes a specific already added conference provider event listener All added/left listeners will be notified for each event.
dropMessageEventListener(MessageEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Message
Drops a message event listener
dropOSCallCoordinatorEventListener(OSCallCordinatorEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallRepresentative
dropProbeEventListener(SIPProbeEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Removes a specific already added SIP probe event listener All added/left listeners will be notified for each event.
dropStatusEventListener(AccountEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Removes a specific already added account event listener All added/left listeners will be notified for each event.
dropStatusEventListener(DNSRequestEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.DNSRequest
Drop dns request events listener
dropStatusListener(AudioEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Drops audio events listener
dtmfAutoplayDevice() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Automatically play DTMF sounds to the user Controls whether to automatically play the DTMF sounds to the user when sending DTMFs with call::SendDTMF.
dtmfAutoplayDevice(AudioOutputDeviceType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Automatically play DTMF sounds to the user Controls whether to automatically play the DTMF sounds to the user when sending DTMFs with call::SendDTMF.
dtmfBand() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Gets the selected DTMF band for the user
dtmfBand(DTMFType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Selects the DTMF band for the user
DTMFCodes - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
The DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) codes
DTMFType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Call's DTMF type


echoCancellation() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets the configured acoustic echo cancellation working mode Default is enabled in software mode.
echoCancellation(EchoCancellationType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Configures the acoustic echo cancellation working mode Default is enabled in software mode.
EchoCancellationType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Type of the used echo cancellation
email() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoProfile
Email of the user
emails() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
List of emails of the contact List of emails of the contact.
enable() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.RingBackToneControl
Configures the use of ringback tone Whether ringback tones can be played or not.
enable(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.RingBackToneControl
Gets the configured use of ringback tone Whether ringback tones can be played or not.
enabled() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Gets the use of push notifications
enabled(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Sets the use of push notifications
enableFixedSpeakerGain() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Enables or disables the fixed gain on the audio output Enable or disable the fixed speaker gain confgured by setfixedSpeakerGain.
enableFixedSpeakerGain(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Enables or disables the fixed gain on the audio output Enable or disable the fixed speaker gain confgured by setfixedSpeakerGain.
enableIPv6() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the global use of Pv6 support Globally enable Pv6 support.
enableIPv6(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Sets the global use of Pv6 support Globally enable Pv6 support.
enableIPv6Detection() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
NOT USED! MIGHT BE REMOVED ANYTIME! Pv6 is a global option and there are no plans making it configurable per account!
enableIPv6Detection(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
NOT USED! MIGHT BE REMOVED ANYTIME! Pv6 is a global option and there are no plans making it configurable per account!
enableMediasec() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets whether always to force the use of the mediasec Require the use of the "mediasec" draft specification.
enableMediasec(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets whether always to force the use of the mediasec Require the use of the "mediasec" draft specification.
enableMSRP() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Gets the use of MSRP functionality as described in RFC 4975
enableMSRP(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Sets the use of MSRP functionality as described in RFC 4975
enableMSRPChat() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Gets the use of MSRP chat functionality for the user MSRP chat is done through the messaging class and API - Message and sendMessage All messages are sent over SIP SIMPLE while an MSRP session is not active.
enableMSRPChat(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Configures the use of MSRP chat functionality for the user MSRP chat is done through the messaging class and API - Message and sendMessage All messages are sent over SIP SIMPLE while an MSRP session is not active.
enableMSRPFileTransfer() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Gets the use of file transfer feature for the user The default is "disabled".
enableMSRPFileTransfer(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Configures file transfer feature for the user The default is "disabled".
enablePreconditions() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the use of call's preconditions framework as described in RFC 3312 The preconditions are used to negotiate network resources needed for a call before it starts ringing.
enablePreconditions(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the use of call's preconditions framework as described in RFC 3312 The preconditions are used to negotiate network resources needed for a call before it starts ringing.
enablePrivacy() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the use of Privacy mechanism as described in RFC 3323 Whether the user's identity is revealed in the SIP URIs or anonymous one is used.
enablePrivacy(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the use of Privacy mechanism as described in RFC 3323 Set whether the user's identity to be revealed in the SIP URIs or anonymous one to be used.
enableSIPReliableProvisioning() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the global usage of reliable provisional as described in RFC 3262 The reliability mechanism works by mirroring the current reliability mechanisms for 2xx final responses to NVITE.
enableSIPReliableProvisioning(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Sets the global usage of reliable provisional as described in RFC 3262 The reliability mechanism works by mirroring the current reliability mechanisms for 2xx final responses to NVITE.
enableSRTP() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the use of user's SRTP
enableSRTP(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the use of user's SRTP
enableVideoFMTP() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets video FMTP support
enableVideoFMTP(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets video FMTP support This will take effect in calls created/received after the setting has changed.
enableZrtp(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Enables ZRTP
enableZrtp(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Enables ZRTP
enableZRTP() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Gets the configured use of user's ZRTP
enableZRTP(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Configures the use of user's ZRTP
EncryptionConfiguration - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
Encription specific configuration
EncryptionConfiguration(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.EncryptionConfiguration
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
encryptionConfiguration() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the encription specific configuration
errorMask() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.SecureCertData
Gets the mask of errors for the certificate Bit-field of CertificateError
evaluateCertificateTrust(String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.EncryptionConfiguration
Evaluates the certificate trust type.
eventId() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoEventState
Object ID triggered the event Indicates the ZDK object ID triggered the Banafo Service event.
expectedName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.SecureCertData
Gets the expected subject name for the certificate The function gets the expected subject name for the certificate.
ExtendedError - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
ExtendedError(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.ExtendedError
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object


fileName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.RecordingStream
The name of the file The name of the file.
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Activation
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ActivationResult
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.AudioDevice
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoEventState
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoIntegration
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoPhone
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoProfile
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRecording
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRequestState
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoServiceState
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.CallStatus
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.EncryptionConfiguration
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.IAXConfig
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ProxyConfig
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.RingBackToneControl
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.VideoEndpointControl
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.DNSRequest
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ExtendedError
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.HeaderField
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Log
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Message
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallCoordinator
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallRepresentative
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Pagination
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.CallsProvider
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.DNSRequestProvider
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ProxyManager
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.RecordingStream
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Result
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.SecureCertData
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Sound
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.TranscriptLanguage
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.UploadProgress
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finalize() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Ensures the underlying native object destruction
finishedAt() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
Ending time of the call Time and date when call was finished in SO 8601 Format.
finishedAt() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRecording
Ending time of the recording Time and date when recording was finished in SO 8601 Format.
firstName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
Firstname of the contact Firstname of the contact.
fixedSpeakerGain() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Configures the fixed gain on the audio output Configures the gain to be applied when the gain filter is enabled by enableFixedSpeakerGain.
fixedSpeakerGain(double) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Configures the fixed gain on the audio output Configures the gain to be applied when the gain filter is enabled by enableFixedSpeakerGain.
forceCreateCallAtServer(BanafoCall) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Force creates Banafo Call at the Banafo Service Manually creates call on the Banafo Server.
forceCreateRecordingAtServer(BanafoRecording) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Force creates Banafo Recording at the Banafo Service Manually creates call recording on the Banafo Server.
forceNativeCrash(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Force native crash Forces a native crash to take place.
fps() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Gets the frames per second
fps(float) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Sets the frames per second
frequency() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Sound
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AccountStatus
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ActivationFlags
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ActivationStatus
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ActiveCallChange
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioDeviceState
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioDeviceType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioFileFormat
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioOutputDeviceType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioResampler
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioRoutingEndpoint
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioSourcePresetType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioVideoCodecs
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AutomaticGainControlType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.BanafoEventType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.BanafoRequestStateType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.BanafoServiceErrorType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.BanafoServiceStateType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CallLineStatus
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CallMediaChannel
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CallSecurityLevel
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CameraSensorLocation
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CertificateError
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ContactStateType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ContactType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.DTMFCodes
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.DTMFType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.EchoCancellationType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.HostAPI
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.IpVersionType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.LayerType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.LoggingFacility
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.LoggingLevel
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.MessageStatus
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.MessageType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.NetworkQualityLevel
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.NetworkType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.OriginType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.OSCallRejectionReason
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.OwnershipChange
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.PermissionType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.PhoneType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ProbeState
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ProtocolType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ProxyModeType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ProxyProtocolType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RecordingType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RejectionType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ResultCode
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RPortType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RTCPFeedbackType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RTPCollisionResolutionType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.SecureCertStatus
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.SecureUserConfigType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.SessionTimerModeType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.SipMethodTypes
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.TLSSecureSuiteType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.TransportType
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.VideoFrameFormat
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPAuthTag
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPCipherAlgorithm
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPHashAlgorithm
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPKeyAgreement
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPSASEncoding


generateUUID(boolean, int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Generate a random UUID Generates a valid RFC 4122 (RFC 2141) UUID URN that can be used for RFC 5626 (SIP Outbound).
getAccount(long) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Gets the account with the specified ID Returns the account with the specified ID if exist, otherwise a null pointer is returned.
getActiveCalls() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Gets a list with all account's active/ongoing calls
getAutomaticGainControlGain() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets the configured Automatic Gain Control (AGC) fixed gain The additional fixed gain (defaults to 0.f) added when using SoftwareDigitalV2 or SoftwareHybrid mode.
getAutomaticGainControlMode() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets the configured Automatic Gain Control (AGC) filter working mode Works on all platforms.
getCameraLocation() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.VideoEndpointControl
Gets the used camera location Not implemented!
getConference(long) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Gets the conference with the specified ID Returns the conference with the specified ID if exist, otherwise a null pointer is returned.
getCurrentInputDevice() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets the selected input audio device
getCurrentOutputDevice() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets the selected output audio device
getCurrentRingDevice() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets the selected ringing audio device
getDeviceByName(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets an audio device with the given name if exists, otherwise - nullptr
getProfile() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Get Banafo profile Gets Banafo user profile information.
getProxyConfig(ProxyProtocolType, ProxyModeType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ProxyManager
Gets the current proxy configuration Gets the currently configured proxy for given protocol.
getProxyConfigForURL(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ProxyManager
Gets the current proxy configuration for the specified URL
globalZrtpCache(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.EncryptionConfiguration
Configure global ZRTP ZID Cache file Sets the full file name for the global ZRTP ZID Cache file.


handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Activation
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ActivationResult
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.AudioDevice
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoEventState
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoIntegration
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoPhone
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoProfile
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRecording
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRequestState
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoServiceState
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.CallStatus
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.EncryptionConfiguration
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.IAXConfig
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ProxyConfig
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.RingBackToneControl
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.VideoEndpointControl
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.DNSRequest
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ExtendedError
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.HeaderField
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Log
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Message
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallCoordinator
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallRepresentative
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Pagination
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.CallsProvider
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.DNSRequestProvider
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ProxyManager
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.RecordingStream
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Result
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.SecureCertData
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Sound
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.TranscriptLanguage
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.UploadProgress
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
handle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Gets the pointer/address to the underlying native object
hangUp() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Hang up the call
hangUp() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Hang up the call
hangUpRequested() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Get the state of the hang up request
hangUpRequested(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Sets the state of the hang up request
hash() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Gets the configured ZRTP Hash Algorithms for the User Gets the specified ZRTP Hash Algorithms list.
hash(List<ZRTPHashAlgorithm>) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Configures the ZRTP Hash Algorithms for the User Adds the specified ZRTP Hash Algorithms list.
hasVideo(OriginType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Gets if video is present Gets if video is present, local or remote.
hasVideo(OriginType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Gets if video is present Gets if video is present, local or remote.
hddSerial() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ActivationResult
The HDD serial number associated with this activation returned by the activation server In case of failure it can be either empty string or even null pointer!
headerDump() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the use of SIP Header dumps for SIP Calls and Registration event Enable or disable the SIP header fields dump for SIP calls and registration events for the specified user.
headerDump(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the use of SIP Header dumps for SIP Calls and Registration event Enable or disable the SIP header fields dump for SIP calls and registration events for the specified user.
HeaderField - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
SIP header fields structure An HeaderField object is created via accountProvider::CreateSIPHeaderField
HeaderField(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.HeaderField
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
height() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Gets the height of the frame
height(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Sets the height of the frame
held() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Gets the Hold state
held(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Sets the hold state
held() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Gets the Hold state
held(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Sets the hold state
highPassFilter() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Controls the High Pass filter Enables or disables the High Pass filter.
highPassFilter(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Controls the High Pass filter Enables or disables the High Pass filter.
host() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.IAXConfig
Gets the server/host address in use
host(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.IAXConfig
Configures the server/host address to be used
hostApi(HostAPI) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Configures the audio host API to be used
HostAPI - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Native platform audio host API types
hostname() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ProxyConfig
The proxy hostname
hwdAccelerated() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Gets the state of the hardware acceleration
hwdAccelerated(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Sets the state of the hardware acceleration


iax() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Gets the IAX specific account configuration Gets the IAX specific account configuration that is used in case the Account's type is IAX.
iax(IAXConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Sets the IAX specific account configuration Sets the IAX specific account configuration being used in case the Account's type is IAX.
IAXConfig - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
IAX specific account configuration
IAXConfig(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.IAXConfig
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
iaxUdpPortInUse() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the actually used IAX UDP port In case the requested port was already taken the next available one will be opened.
id() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ExtendedError
Gets extended error id
incStarted() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Get the state of the incoming video The function get the state of the outgoing video.The state is changed via start.
ipVersionPreference() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the selected preferred IP version Selects which IP version to prefer when resolving DNS.
ipVersionPreference(IpVersionType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Selects the preferred IP version Selects which IP version to prefer when resolving DNS.
IpVersionType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
IP version preference enum This enum is used to select between the available IP versions.
isCallFromConference(long) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Checks if a call is part of conference
isCallInConference(long) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Checks whether the call with the provided ID is part of any conference Returns whether a call with the provided ID exists and is part of any active conference.
isEqual(AccountConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Compares the current configuration with the given one
isEqual(IAXConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.IAXConfig
Compares the current configuration with the given one
isEqual(MSRPConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Compares the current configuration with the given one
isEqual(PushConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Compares the current configuration with the given one
isEqual(SIPConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Compares the current configuration with the given one
isEqual(StunConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Compares the current configuration with the given one
isEqual(ZRTPConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Compares the current configuration with the given one
isFirstClass() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
isFirstClass() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference


keepAlive() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the keepalive interval for SIP accounts The keepalive is a SIP packet sent over the signaling socket containing only a new line (CRLF).
keepAlive(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the keepalive interval for SIP accounts The keepalive is a SIP packet sent over the signaling socket containing only a new line (CRLF).
keyAgreement() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Gets the configured ZRTP Key Agreement algorithms for the User Gets the ZRTP Key Agreement algorithms list.
keyAgreement(List<ZRTPKeyAgreement>) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Configures the ZRTP Key Agreement algorithms for the User Adds the ZRTP Key Agreement algorithms list.


languageCode() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.RecordingStream
ETF language tag of the recording ETF language tag of the recording.
lastName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
Lastname of the contact Lastname of the contact.
layer() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ExtendedError
Gets the extended error layer type
layerCode() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ExtendedError
Gets the extended error layer code
LayerType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Error layer types
lengthSamples() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Sound
libraryVersion() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Get the ZDK version Get the revision of the ZDK's source last commit.
limit() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
Number of retrieved contacts limit Number of contacts per page (if limit is not provided, the maximum limit per provider will be used), pagination will only work if the provider is specified.
lineStatus() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.CallStatus
Gets the current state of the call
listAccounts() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Gets a list with all active accounts
listConferences() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ConferenceProvider
Gets a list with all conferences
listContacts(BanafoContactSearchCriteria) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
List contacts based on serch criterias Provides a list of contacts that can come from local or external resources.
listIntegrations() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
List CRM integrations Provides a list of all active integrations for the authenticated user with a provider from the list.
listTranscriptLanguages() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
List Banafo transcript languages Lists Banafo transcript languages.
localPhone() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
Local user's phone number Local user's phone number.
Log - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Debug logging facility
Log(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Log
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
logClose() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Log
Stops logging Closes the current log file, if open.
logger() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the ZDK's debug logging facility instance Only a single instance of the debug logging facility is created and returned during the life time of the library.
LoggingFacility - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Debug logging facility types Using different logging facilities easy looking through the produced debug logs
LoggingLevel - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Debug logging levels
logMessage(LoggingLevel, LoggingFacility, String, String, int, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Log
Log a message Adds a log entry to the log.
logOpen(String, String, LoggingLevel, long) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Log
Starts logging Starts the log facility.


mac() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ActivationResult
The MAC address associated with this activation returned by the activation server In case of failure it can be either empty string or even null pointer!
maxInputChannels() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.AudioDevice
Gets the number of input channels the audio device supports
maxOutputChannels() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.AudioDevice
Gets the number of output channels the audio device supports
mediaCodecs() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Gets the account's codecs allowed to be used The order in which codecs are added is important.
mediaCodecs(List<AudioVideoCodecs>) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Configures the account's codecs allowed to be used The order in which codecs are added is important.
mediaDSCP() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the configured DSCP for the media streams This will affect the RTP, SRTP and AX2 sockets.
mediaDSCP(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Configures the DSCP for the media streams This will affect the RTP, SRTP and AX2 sockets.
message() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ExtendedError
Gets the extended error message
Message - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Message(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Message
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
MessageEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
messageHandle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Message
Gets message handle
MessageStatus - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Message sending status
MessageType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Type of messages
method() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.HeaderField
The SIP Method this header is allowed to be put at/comming from
micBoost() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Controls the microphone boost option Enables or disables the microphone boost.
micBoost(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Controls the microphone boost option Enables or disables the microphone boost.
micLevel() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets the configured audio input/microphone level The volume setting for the input device.
micLevel(double) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Configures the audio input/microphone level The volume setting for the input device.
middleName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
Middlename of the contact Middlename of the contact.
mode() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ProxyConfig
The proxy mode whose the settings belong
msrp() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the MSRP configuration
msrp(MSRPConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the MSRP configuration
MSRPConfig - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
MSRP (Message Session Relay Protocol) specific account configuration
MSRPConfig(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
msrpRelayPassword() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Gets the configures MSRP relay password for the user Configures the password to be used when authenticating to a MSRP relay.
msrpRelayPassword(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Configures MSRP relay password for the user Configures the password to be used when authenticating to a MSRP relay.
msrpRelayURL() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Gets the configured MSRP relay URI The use of MSRP relay must be enabled through useMSRPRelay.
msrpRelayURL(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Configures the MSRP relay URI The use of MSRP relay must be enabled through useMSRPRelay.
msrpRelayUserName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Gets the configured MSRP relay authentication username for the user Configures the authentication username to be used when authenticating to a MSRP relay.
msrpRelayUserName(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Configures MSRP relay authentication username for the user Configures the authentication username to be used when authenticating to a MSRP relay.
msrpTcpPort() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Gets the configured main MSRP TCP port Configures the main TCP port for MSRP.
msrpTcpPort(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Configures the main MSRP TCP port Configures the main TCP port for MSRP.
muteCall(Call) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Mute a call in the conference
muted() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Gets the Mute state of the local input device Mutes/unmutes the local input device (microphone).
muted(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Sets the Mute state of the local input device Mutes/unmutes the local input device (microphone).
muted() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Gets the Mute state of the local input device Mutes/unmutes the local input device (microphone).
muted(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Sets the Mute state of the local input device Mutes/unmutes the local input device (microphone).
muteInput(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Mute or unmute the input device/microphone
muteOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Mute or unmute the output device/speaker


name() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.AudioDevice
Gets the name of the audio device
name() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoIntegration
Name of the integration The name of the CRM integration.
name() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoProfile
Full name of the user
name() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.HeaderField
The Name of the SIP header field
name() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.TranscriptLanguage
Name of the language
nationalNumber() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
National number for improved phone number searches National number for improved phone number searches, taken into account only when 'Phone' is also present.
networkChanged() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Notify the ZDK for changed network event Handles the network change event - resets the DNS, re-register users, refreshes active calls, etc.
networkErrorCode() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoServiceState
The network error code Contains the network error code if the new state is BanafoServicestateType::NetworkError.
NetworkQualityLevel - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
SIP call's DTMF type
NetworkStatistics - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
NetworkStatistics(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
networkStatusCode() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRequestState
The network status code Contains the network state code if the new state is BanafoRequeststateType::NetworkError or BanafoRequeststateType::Finished.
NetworkType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Network types
nextLimit() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Pagination
Number of selected next page records Number of selected next page records.
nextPage() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Pagination
Specifies the possibility of having a next page Specifies the possibility of having a next page.
nextPageId() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Pagination
Next page ID Next page ID for CRMs that supports this type of pagination.
nextPageUrl() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Pagination
Next page URL Next page URL.
nextStart() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Pagination
The number of skipped contacts in the next page The number of contacts skipped before selecting records for next page.
noiseSuppression() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Controls the Noise Suppression filter Enables or disables the Noise Suppression filter.
noiseSuppression(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Controls the Noise Suppression filter Enables or disables the Noise Suppression filter.
notifyAccountOfOwnershipChange() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Notify upon Account ownership changes
notifyAccountOfOwnershipChange() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Notify upon Account ownership changes
notifyCallActive() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallRepresentative
notifyCallEnded() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallRepresentative
notifyCallHeld() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallRepresentative
number() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoPhone
Phone number The phone number itself.


octetsComplete() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.UploadProgress
Total number of sucessfully uploaded octets Total number of sucessfully uploaded octets/bytes (always known).
offerVideo() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Offers Video Offers video to the remote party during a normal (audio) call.
offerVideo() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Offers Video Offers video to the remote party during a normal (audio) call.
onAcceptCallRequest(OSCallCoordinator, CallMediaChannel) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.OSCallCordinatorEventsHandler
Notify upon Accept Call request occurs
onAccountCallOwnershipChanged(Account, Call, OwnershipChange) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AccountEventsHandler
Notify upon call ownership changed Providing information upon call ownership change.
onAccountChatMessageReceived(Account, String, String) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AccountEventsHandler
Notify upon Chat message was received Notify upon Chat message was received , provides the sender and the content of the message
onAccountExtendedError(Account, ExtendedError) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AccountEventsHandler
Notify upon account extended error occurs Event fired when extended error in account occurs, providing detailed information for the error in the ExtendedError object.
onAccountIncomingCall(Account, Call) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AccountEventsHandler
Notify upon Incoming Call Notification for incoming call
onAccountRetryingRegistration(Account, int, int) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AccountEventsHandler
Notify upon Account is retrying registration Registration or unregistration is going to be retried automatically
onAccountSipHeaderFields(Account, List<HeaderField>) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AccountEventsHandler
SIP header dump for a user registration Dumps the header of a SIP message from a SIP registration.
onAccountStatusChanged(Account, AccountStatus, int) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AccountEventsHandler
Notify upon Account status is changed Notify upon Account status is changed, provide which account and the status it is changed to.
onAccountUserSipOutboundMissing(Account) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AccountEventsHandler
Warning for missing SIP Outbound support at the server Happens when there is a SIP account with SIP Outbound enabled but the server rejects the registrations with the error code 439, usually with the text "First Hop Lacks Outbound Support".
onCallDTMFReceived(Call, DTMFCodes) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Notify upon reception of DTMF from the remote peer The event notify upon DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) reception from the remote peer
onCallDTMFResult(Call, Result) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Notify upon DTMF call result The event notify upon DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) result for the call is returned
onCallExtendedError(Call, ExtendedError) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Notify upon call extended error occurs Event fired when extended error in call occurs, providing detailed information for the error in the ExtendedError object.
onCallNetworkQualityLevel(Call, int, NetworkQualityLevel) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Notify upon network quality level change The event notify when network quality level changes
onCallNetworkStatistics(Call, NetworkStatistics) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Event for network statistics update The event provides call's network statistic information
onCallSecurityLevelChanged(Call, CallMediaChannel, CallSecurityLevel) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Notify upon network quality level change The event notify when network quality level changes
onCallSipHeaderFields(Call, List<HeaderField>) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
SIP header dump for a SIP call Dumps the header of a SIP message from a SIP call.
onCallsProviderActiveCallChanged(CallsProvider, Call) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallsProviderEventsHandler
onCallsProviderCallAdded(CallsProvider, Call) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallsProviderEventsHandler
Notify upon call is added Notify upon call is added
onCallsProviderCallRemoved(CallsProvider, Call) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallsProviderEventsHandler
Notify upon call is removed Notify upon call is removed
onCallStatusChanged(Call, CallStatus) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Notify upon Call's status change Notify upon call's related status information is changed
onCallTransferFailure(Call, ExtendedError) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Failed call transfer event The event notify that the call transfer failed, it also provides the reason for the failure
onCallTransferStarted(Call, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Notify that call transfer is initiated The event notify that the call transfer is initiated.The number to transfer to (and display name and optionally an URI, depending on the protocol) is given for informational purposes (or to help make the decision to accept or reject the transfer).
onCallTransferSucceeded(Call) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Succesuful call transfer event The event notify upon the call transfer has succeeded
onCallZrtpFailed(Call, ExtendedError) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
ZRTP negotiation failed for a call The ZRTP negotiation for a call has failed.
onCallZrtpSecondaryError(Call, int, ExtendedError) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Secondary stream failed to negotiate ZRTP Multistream ZRTP negotiation has failed for a secondary stream in a call.
onCallZrtpSuccess(Call, String, int, int, int, ZRTPSASEncoding, String, ZRTPHashAlgorithm, ZRTPCipherAlgorithm, ZRTPAuthTag, ZRTPKeyAgreement) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
ZRTP negotiation succeeded for a call The ZRTP negotiation for a call has succeeded.
onConferenceAdded(ConferenceProvider, Conference) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.ConferenceProviderEventsHandler
Event invoked upon succesful creation of conference Invoked on successful creation of conference call.
onConferenceExtendedError(Conference, String) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.ConferenceEventsHandler
Notify upon error on Conference The event is notifying upon an error ocurring on the conference, it provides error message in string format
onConferenceParticipantJoined(Conference, Call) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.ConferenceEventsHandler
Call was added to the conference Confirmation that the call has joined the conference.
onConferenceParticipantRemoved(Conference, Call) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.ConferenceEventsHandler
Call was removed from the conference Confirmation that the call has left the conference Can also happen if a call, part of a conference was moved to another conference.
onConferenceRemoved(ConferenceProvider, Conference) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.ConferenceProviderEventsHandler
Event invoked upon removing a conference call Invoked on removing a conference call.Conference is being removed by removing every call in it.
onContactList(long, BanafoContactSearchCriteria, BanafoRequestState, Pagination, List<BanafoContact>) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.BanafoEventsHandler
Banafo contact list received This callback is invoked when the Banafo Contact list is being received after banafoManager::ListContacts request
onContextActivationCompleted(Context, ActivationResult) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.ContextEventsHandler
Notify upon user activation occurs Notify upon user activation occurs, for the a particular context
onContextSecureCertStatus(Context, SecureCertData) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.ContextEventsHandler
Notify upon Secure certificate status Notify upon Secure certificate status when being used (usually on creating a new secure connection)
onDefaultAccountChanged(AccountProvider, Account) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AccountProviderEventsHandler
Account information and control provider Provides information on creation , destruction and configuration of user accounts.
onDeviceError(AudioDevice, AudioDeviceState) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AudioEventsHandler
An error occurred with an audio device An error occurred, usually when attempting to open a device.
onDeviceOpenError(List<AudioDevice>) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AudioEventsHandler
An error occurred when trying to open an audio device An error occurred when attempting to open an audio device or an internal processing stream.
onDeviceStateChange(AudioDevice, AudioDeviceState) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AudioEventsHandler
Notify upon audio device changed its state
onDnsFailed(DNSRequest) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.DNSRequestEventsHandler
DNS request failed
onDnsResult(DNSRequest, String) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.DNSRequestEventsHandler
DNS request finished successfully
onEndCallRequest(OSCallCoordinator, OriginType) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.OSCallCordinatorEventsHandler
Notify upon End Call request occurs
onEnergyLevelChange(double, double) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AudioEventsHandler
Notify upon input/output sound energy level changed This callback is fired when the audio subsystem detects a change in the sound energy levels for the input (microphone) and/or output (speaker) measured in dBm0.
onEventState(BanafoEventType, BanafoEventState) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.BanafoEventsHandler
Banafo Service event state changed This callback is used to monitor an internally created Banafo Service request state.
onHoldCallRequest(OSCallCoordinator, OriginType) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.OSCallCordinatorEventsHandler
Notify upon Hold Call request occurs
onInputLevelChange(AudioDevice, double) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AudioEventsHandler
Notify upon input volume level changed This callback is fired when the audio subsystem detects a change in the input volume settings caused by external factors (for example the user changing the input device volume from the system mixer).
onIntegrationList(long, BanafoRequestState, List<BanafoIntegration>) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.BanafoEventsHandler
Banafo integrations list received This callback is invoked when the Banafo Integrations list is being received after BanafoManager::ListIntegrations request
onMessageExtendedError(Message, ExtendedError) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.MessageEventsHandler
Notify Message error occured Notify Message error occured
onMessageStatusChanged(Message, MessageStatus) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.MessageEventsHandler
Notify Message's status changed Notify upon message status is changed
onOutputLevelChange(AudioDevice, double) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AudioEventsHandler
Notify upon output volume level changed This callback is fired when the audio subsystem detects a change in the output volume settings caused by external factors (for example the user changing the output device volume from the system mixer).
onProbeError(Account, ProbeState, ExtendedError) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.SIPProbeEventsHandler
Notify if Probe error occurs An error occured during user probing.
onProbeFailed(Account, ExtendedError) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.SIPProbeEventsHandler
Notify if Probe fails The probing process was unsuccesful.
onProbeState(Account, ProbeState) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.SIPProbeEventsHandler
Notify if Probe change in state occurs The probing process has entered another stage
onProbeSuccess(Account, TransportType) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.SIPProbeEventsHandler
Notify if Probe was successful The probing was successful.
onProfile(long, BanafoProfile) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.BanafoEventsHandler
Banafo profile received This callback is invoked when the Banafo profile is being received after BanafoManager::GetProfile request
onRejectCallRequest(OSCallCoordinator, OSCallRejectionReason) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.OSCallCordinatorEventsHandler
Notify upon Call Reject request occurs
onRequestState(long, BanafoRequestState) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.BanafoEventsHandler
Banafo Service request state changed This callback is used to monitor a Banafo Service request state.
onResumeCallRequest(OSCallCoordinator, OriginType) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.OSCallCordinatorEventsHandler
Notify upon Resume Call request occurs
onRingLevelChange(AudioDevice, double) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AudioEventsHandler
Notify upon Ringing volume level changed This callback is fired when the audio subsystem detects a change in the Ringing volume settings caused by external factors (for example the user changing the ring device volume from the system mixer).
onServiceState(BanafoServiceState) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.BanafoEventsHandler
Banafo Service state changed This callback is used to monitor a Banafo Service state.
onSpeaker() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Gets the speakers state !!!NOTE!!! Only keeps track of the SPEAKER state.
onSpeaker(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Sets the speakers state !!!NOTE!!! Only keeps track of the SPEAKER state.
onSpeaker() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Gets the speakers state !!!NOTE!!! Only keeps track of the SPEAKER state.
onSpeaker(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Sets the speakers state !!!NOTE!!! Only keeps track of the SPEAKER state.
onStunNetworkDiscovered(Account, NetworkType) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.AccountEventsHandler
Notify upon STUN discovered network type
onTranscriptionLanguageList(long, BanafoRequestState, List<TranscriptLanguage>) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.BanafoEventsHandler
Banafo transcription language list received This callback is invoked when the Banafo transcription language list is being received after WrapperContext::BanafoListTranscriptLanguages request
onVideoCameraChanged(Call) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Video camera changed The Video cameras changed.
onVideoFormatSelected(Call, OriginType, int, int, float) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Video format selected
onVideoFrameReceived(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.VideoRendererEventsHandler
Video frame is received A video frame data is received.
onVideoOffered(Call) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Video offered for audio calls The remote party has offered us video during a normal (audio) call.
onVideoStarted(Call, OriginType) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Video started The video has started.The call is ready to encode and send frames over the network.
onVideoStopped(Call, OriginType) - Method in interface com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers.CallEventsHandler
Video stopped The Video has stopped.
origin() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
The call's origin The originator of the call
origin() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.CallStatus
Gets the call initiator Indicates who initiated the call - incoming or outgoing one.
origin() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.RecordingStream
The origin of the file content The origin of the file content.
OriginType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Call's initiator types
OSCallCoordinator - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
OSCallCoordinator(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallCoordinator
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
OSCallCordinatorEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
OSCallRejectionReason - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
OS call rejection reasons
OSCallRepresentative - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
OSCallRepresentative(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallRepresentative
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
outboundProxy() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the configured SIP Outbound Proxy to be used The outbound proxy is a normal SIP proxy.
outboundProxy(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the SIP Outbound Proxy to be used The outbound proxy is a normal SIP proxy.
outputLevel() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets the configured audio output level The volume setting for the input device.
outputLevel(double) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Configures the audio output level The volume setting for the input device.
outStarted() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Get the state of the outgoing video The function get the state of the outgoing video.
owner() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Returns the account owner
owner() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Returns the account owner
OwnershipChange - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Type of call ownership change


pageId() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
Next page ID Unique next page id, required by some CRMs to get next page results (PageId could be found in pagination object of the previous page request's response).
Pagination - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Search pagination Describes the search pagination used for paged searching.
Pagination(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Pagination
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
password() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Gets the Account's password (SIP, IAX, XMPP, etc, depending on the Account type)
password(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Sets the Account's password (SIP, IAX, XMPP, etc, depending on the Account type)
password() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ProxyConfig
The password to use when authenticating
path() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Sound
Gets the path to the file this Sound was created from
pause() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Sound
peer() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Message
Gets the message peer
peer(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Message
Sets the message peer
percentComplete() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.UploadProgress
Completion in percent Completion in percent or -1 in case upload size is not known in advance.
PermissionType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Types of features can be used from the ZDK
phone() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
Phone number to search for Phone number to search for.
phones() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
List of phones of the contact List of phones of the contact.
PhoneType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Phone type enum This enum is used to enumerate all the phone types.
play() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.RingBackToneControl
Starts the ringback tone playing The ringback tone will be played only if it is not already running and enabled! Error will be returned otherwise.
port() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ProxyConfig
The proxy port
preAmplifier() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Controls the Pre Amplifier Enables or disables the Pre Amplifier which amplifies the input signal before any other porcessing occurs.
preAmplifier(float) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Controls the Pre Amplifier Enables or disables the Pre Amplifier which amplifies the input signal before any other porcessing occurs.
probeSipTransport(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Probes for available transports for the given SIP settings Probes consecutively for transport availability over SIP with the given account settings.
ProbeState - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
State of the transport probing
progress() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRequestState
The upload progress Contains the upload progress if the state is BanafoRequeststateType::InProgress.
proto() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ExtendedError
Gets the extended error protocol type
protocol() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ProxyConfig
The protocol whose the settings belong
ProtocolType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Communication protocol type
provider() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
Contacts provider to be searched for Slug that specifies the provider contacts desired, could be set to "banafo" for local contacts, if not specified contacts for all active providers will be returned.
proxy() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Gets the Push Proxy address all SIP messages go through The Push Proxy is used as SIP Outbound Proxy.
proxy(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Sets the Push Proxy address all SIP messages go through The Push Proxy is used as SIP Outbound Proxy.
ProxyConfig - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
Proxy configuration Configuration for usage of proxy for all outgoing requests over the supported protocols.
ProxyConfig(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ProxyConfig
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
proxyManager() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the ZDK's proxy manager
ProxyManager - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Providers
Proxy Manager
ProxyManager(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ProxyManager
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
ProxyModeType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Proxy mode types
ProxyProtocolType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Proxy protocol types
push() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the Push configuration
push(PushConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the Push configuration
PushConfig - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
Push notification specific configuration Mobile platforms only (Android and iOS)!
PushConfig(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object


q931Code() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ExtendedError
Gets Q.931 code The function gets the Q.931 (SDN) code
query() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.DNSRequest
Gets DNS Query


reason() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ActivationResult
Text representation of the reason for the activation status Explains the meaning of the activation status result.
reason() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRequestState
HTTP failure reason.
reason() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoServiceState
HTTP failure reason.
recordFileName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Gets the record file name
recordFileName(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Sets the record file name
recordFileName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Gets the record file name
recordFileName(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Sets the record file name
RecordingStream - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Banafo Call Describes the Recording stream, mainly used for Banafo recordings.
RecordingStream(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.RecordingStream
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
RecordingType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Call recording type Specifies which streams are captured in a call recording
refreshToken() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoServiceState
The new Banafo Service Refresh Token Contains the new refresh token that is going to be used for requests if the new state is BanafoServicestateType::Authorized.
region() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
Region code Two-letter region code for parsing phone numbers without county code.
registerAccount() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Registers the user to the configured service Starts the user's registration process.
registrationGUID() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Gets the previously stored per account Registration GUID !!!NOTE!!! NOT used internally!
registrationGUID(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Sets per account Registration GUID !!!NOTE!!! NOT used internally!
registrationStatus() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Gets the current account registration status
rejectCallTransfer() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Rejects a call transfer request Rejects a call transfer request.For SIP, the call will continue as usual.
rejectCallTransfer() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Rejects a call transfer request Rejects a call transfer request.For SIP, the call will continue as usual.
RejectionType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
The contact subscription rejection types
relinquishCallOwnership(Call) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
remoteId() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
Remote provider contact ID ID of the contact in the external provider.
remotePhone() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
Remote user's phone number Remote user's phone number
remoteProvider() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
Remote contact provider Provider of the contact (external contact provider, might be CRM provider or zoiper).
removeCall(Call, boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Removes a call from the conference
removeUser() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Destroys an user account object Destroys an user account object and all related structures.
repeat() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Sound
replaceUserRegistration() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Replace user registration For protocols such as AX2 there is no "binding" and this operation does not apply.
requestNewIncomingCall(String, String, String, CallMediaChannel, int, BrandingInfo) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallCoordinator
requestNewOutgoingCall(String, CallMediaChannel, BrandingInfo) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallCoordinator
reregistrationTime() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Get the Account's registration refresh time Gets the desired registration refresh period in seconds.
reregistrationTime(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Set the Account's registration refresh time Sets the desired registration refresh period in seconds.
resampler(AudioResampler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Configures the audio resampler to be used Selects the resampler to be used by the audio engine.
response() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRequestState
The response data buffer Contains the response data buffer if the state is BanafoRequestStateType::Finished.
restartCamera() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.VideoEndpointControl
Restarts the camera Not implemented!
restartVideoCapture() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Restart Video capture
restartVideoCapture() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Restart Video capture
result() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoEventState
The result of the invernally created event Shows the outcome of the event.
Result - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
API invocation status result Indicates the status result of API's invocation
Result(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Result
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
ResultCode - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
API invocation status result Indicates the status result of API's invocation
reverseLookup() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
Reverse phone lookup Indicates whether the search will be a Reverse Lookup or normal Contact Listing.
ringback() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Ringback tone's main entry point Entry point for controlling the ringback tone heard by the user when the remote peer starts ringing
ringBackSound() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.RingBackToneControl
Gets the configured ringback sound
ringBackSound(Sound) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.RingBackToneControl
Sets the configured ringback sound
RingBackToneControl - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers
Ringback tone's main entry point Entry point for controlling the ringback tone heard by the user when the remote peer starts ringing
RingBackToneControl(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.RingBackToneControl
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
ringing() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Notifies the remote party that we are ringing (incoming calls) Sends a ringing notification to the remote party for an incoming call.
ringing() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Notifies the remote party that we are ringing (incoming calls) Sends a ringing notification to the remote party for an incoming call.
ringLevel() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Gets the configured audio ringing level The volume setting for the ringing device.
ringLevel(double) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Configures the audio ringing level The volume setting for the ringing device.
ringtone() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
ringtone(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
role() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoProfile
Role of the user
rPort() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the use of rport for SIP users Used to discover the public address and port in case there is a NAT between the user and the server.
rPort(RPortType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the use of rport for SIP users Used to discover the public address and port in case there is a NAT between the user and the server.
RPortType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
RPort usage types Used to discover the public address and port in case there is a NAT between the user and the server.
rtcpFeedback() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the RTCP Feedback support The purpose of RTCP Feedback is to provide quick inbound status reporting for media streams, error correction and resilience against packet losses.
rtcpFeedback(RTCPFeedbackType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the RTCP Feedback support The purpose of RTCP Feedback is to provide quick inbound status reporting for media streams, error correction and resilience against packet losses.
RTCPFeedbackType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
RTCP Feedback usage types The purpose of RTCP Feedback is to provide quick inbound status reporting for media streams, error correction and resilience against packet losses.
rtpCollisionResolution() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the desired RTP collision resolution
rtpCollisionResolution(RTPCollisionResolutionType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the desired RTP collision resolution
RTPCollisionResolutionType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
RTP Collision Resolution algorithm This enum is used to select between the different algorithms for RTP SSRC collision resolution.
rtpEmail() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the configured e-mail address for SDP Sets the email address to put in SDP offers/answers.
rtpEmail(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Configures the e-mail address for SDP Sets the email address to put in SDP offers/answers.
rtpMediaProxy() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Gets the use of the push notifications proxy also acting as media proxy
rtpMediaProxy(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Sets the use of the push notifications proxy also acting as media proxy
rtpPort() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the base port to be used for RTP streams Get the base UDP port to use for RTP streams.
rtpPort(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Sets the base port to be used for RTP streams Set the base UDP port to use for RTP streams.
rtpSessionName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the configured RTP session name for the SDP Sets the RTP session name for the SDP offers/answers.
rtpSessionName(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Configures the RTP session name for the SDP Sets the RTP session name for the SDP offers/answers.
rtpUrl() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the configured URL for SDP Sets the URL for the SDP offers/answers.
rtpUrl(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Configures the URL for SDP Sets the URL for the SDP offers/answers.
rtpUsername() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the configured RTP user name for the SDP Sets the RTP user name for the SDP offers/answers.
rtpUsername(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Configures the RTP user name for the SDP Sets the RTP user name for the SDP offers/answers.


sasEncoding() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Gets the configured ZRTP SAS encodings for the User Gets the ZRTP SAS encodings list.
sasEncoding(List<ZRTPSASEncoding>) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Configures the ZRTP SAS encodings for the User Adds the ZRTP SAS encodings list.
search() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
Word to search for Word to search for - name, company name, email, phone, etc.
SecureCertData - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
SecureCertData(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.SecureCertData
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
SecureCertStatus - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Activation CERT server status types
secureSuite() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Gets the configured TLS secure suite type to be used By default it is set to TLSv1.2 (support TLSv1.2 and better/newer - TLSv1.3, etc are alsosupported!)
secureSuite(TLSSecureSuiteType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Configures the TLS secure suite type to be used By default it is set to TLSv1.2 (support TLSv1.2 and better/newer - TLSv1.3, etc are alsosupported!)
SecureUserConfigType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
User Account specific TLS Configuration types Used for specifying a custom TLS Configuration behavior per user account
sendDTMF(DTMFCodes) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Sends a DTMF signal over a call Sends a DTMF signal over a call.
sendDTMF(DTMFCodes) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Sends a DTMF signal over a call Sends a DTMF signal over a call.
sendMessage() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Message
Sends the message
sendVideoFrame(byte[], int, VideoFrameFormat) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Send a video frame over the network Send an arbitrary-format frame to the remote party The function will copy the buffer into its internal structures and schedule it for encoding and transmitting over the video call.
sendVideoFrame(byte[], int, VideoFrameFormat) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Send a video frame over the network Send an arbitrary-format frame to the remote party The function will copy the buffer into its internal structures and schedule it for encoding and transmitting over the video call.
serviceErrorType() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoServiceState
The Banafo Service error Contains the Banafo error code if the new state is BanafoServicestateType::Error.
serviceName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
serviceName(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.BrandingInfo
sessionTimerExpiry() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Changes the session timer expiry according to RFC 4028.
sessionTimerExpiry(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Changes the session timer expiry according to RFC 4028.
sessionTimerMode() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Changes the session timers setting according to RFC 4028.
sessionTimerMode(SessionTimerModeType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Changes the session timers setting according to RFC 4028.
SessionTimerModeType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
SIP Session Timer Mode as described in RFC-4028
setActiveCall(Call, ActiveCallChange) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.CallsProvider
Sets the currently active call and specifies what to happen with all the rest calls (if any) NOTE!!! Does NOT change the new active call's state! It is up to the API user to decide what to do with it!
setAdditionalNameServers(List<String>) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.DNSRequestProvider
Sets a list with additional name servers Sets name servers to be used by ARES for DNS resolving in addition to the system ones.
setAsDefaultAccount(Account) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Sets the default account
setAutomaticGainControlMode(AutomaticGainControlType, float) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Configures the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) filter working mode Works on all platforms.
setBitrate(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.VideoEndpointControl
Configures the video encoder's bitrate Configures the video encoder's output bitrate in bits per second.
setCallContact(String, BanafoContact) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Updates contact information to a call Updates contact information to a Banafo call.
setCallRecordingNotifySound(Sound, AudioOutputDeviceType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Sets the sound to be played over the current call on every recording start Sets the sound to be played back to the remote peer(s) (instead of the microphone input) on every start of call recording.
setCallStatusListener(CallEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Sets Call status listener
setCallStatusListener(CallEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Sets Call status listener
setConferenceEventsListener(ConferenceEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Set Conference Events Listener
setCurrentInputDevice(AudioDevice) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Select the input audio device
setCurrentOutputDevice(AudioDevice) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Select the output audio device
setCurrentRingDevice(AudioDevice) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Select the ringing audio device
setFormat(int, int, float) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.VideoEndpointControl
Configures the used video format Configures the format used for negotiating video calls and actual camera capture/sending.
setMessageEventListener(MessageEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Message
Sets a message event listener
setOSCallCoordinatorEventListener(OSCallCordinatorEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.OSCallRepresentative
setPresenceStatus(ContactStateType, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Start a presence publication for the user Use this function to publish the user's status on the server (if the server supports it).
setProbeEventListener(SIPProbeEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Adds a new SIP probe event listener All added listeners will be notified for each event.
setProxyConfig(ProxyConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.ProxyManager
Sets the current proxy configuration Changes the current proxy configuration to use for specified protocol requests.
setStatusEventListener(AccountEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Adds a new account event listener All added listeners will be notified for each event.
setStatusEventListener(DNSRequestEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.DNSRequest
Set dns request events listener
setStatusListener(ContextEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Configures the context event listener The set listener will be notified for each event.
setTlsConfig(SecureUserConfigType, String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Configure TLS for a user Not only configuring a certificates for TLS is needed but also to run without one or to assign the user to a global TLS transport.
setTokens(String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Set Banafo Service authorization tokens Sets the Banafo Service authorization tokens explicitly so there will be no need of authorization process to take place for this service before it is able to be used.
setVideoRendererNotificationsListener(VideoRendererEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
setVideoRendererNotificationsListener(VideoRendererEventsHandler) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
shouldLogFacility(LoggingFacility) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Log
Checks whether the given logging facility is enabled
signalDSCP() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the configured DSCP for the signaling streams This will affect the SIP sockets (UDP, TCP and TLS).
signalDSCP(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Configures the DSCP for the signaling streams This will affect the SIP sockets (UDP, TCP and TLS).
sip() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Gets the SIP specific account configuration Gets the SIP specific account configuration that is used in case the Account's type is SIP.
sip(SIPConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Sets the SIP specific account configuration Sets the SIP specific account configuration being used in case the Account's type is SIP.
SIPConfig - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
SIP specific account configuration
SIPConfig(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
sipInstance() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the configured RFC2141 URN for SIP registrations Gets the configures the SIP instance URN used for SIP outbound (RFC 5626).
sipInstance(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Configures RFC2141 URN for SIP registrations Configures the SIP instance URN used for SIP outbound (RFC 5626).
SipMethodTypes - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
SIP Method types
SIPProbeEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
sipTcpPort() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the requested SIP TCP port to be used In case the requested port was already taken the next available one will be opened.
sipTcpPort(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Sets the requested SIP TCP port to be used In case the requested port was already taken the next available one will be opened.
sipTcpPortInUse() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the actually used SIP TCP port In case the requested port was already taken the next available one will be opened.
sipTlsPort() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the requested SIP TLS port to be used In case the requested port was already taken the next available one will be opened.
sipTlsPort(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Sets the requested SIP TCP port to be used In case the requested port was already taken the next available one will be opened.
sipTlsPortInUse() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the actually used SIP TLS port In case the requested port was already taken the next available one will be opened.
sipUdpPort() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the requested SIP UDP port to be used In case the requested port was already taken the next available one will be opened.
sipUdpPort(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Sets the requested SIP UDP port to be used In case the requested port was already taken the next available one will be opened.
sipUdpPortInUse() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the actually used SIP UDP port In case the requested port was already taken the next available one will be opened.
Sound - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
ZDK Sound description
Sound(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Sound
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
soundHandle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Sound
Gets the underlying sound handler ID Internally assigned on successful addSound invocation and invalidated on removeSound.
source() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
The call's source The conversation's source.
start(String, String, int, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Activation
Starts activation process For Zoiper internal use only! For SDK builds see startSDK! Starts activation process of the product.
start() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
Starting offset The number of contacts wished to be skipped before selecting records (if start is not provide, start will be set to 0 as a default), pagination will only work if the provider is specified.
start(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.DNSRequest
Start a DNS request
start(String, String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Set up and Start the Banafo Service Setup and start the Banafo Service that can be used to query data, upload files, etc to the Banafo Web Service.
start(OriginType, boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Sets the state of the video in both directions
startAuthorization() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Starts Banafo Service authorization process Starts a Banafo Service authorization sequence.
startCapture(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.VideoEndpointControl
Starts the video capture Not implemented!
startContext() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Initialize the ZDK Create all internal structures, protocol stacks, network transports and event queues.
startedAt() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
Started time of the call Time and date when call was initiated in SO 8601 Format.
startedAt() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRecording
Started time of the recording Time and date when the recording was initiated in SO 8601 Format.
startHandlingVoipPhoneCallEvents() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Start handling Call events
startHandlingVoipPhoneCallEvents() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Start handling Call events
startPlayback(Sound, AudioOutputDeviceType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Starts playback over the current call Starts playing back the sound to the remote peer(s) (if there are active calls) instead of the microphone input.
startRecording() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Start recording call
startRecording() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Start recording call
startSDK(String, String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Activation
starts activation for an SDK product For SDK products only! For Zoiper internal use see start! starts activation process of the SDK product.
startSound(Sound, AudioOutputDeviceType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Start playback of a sound Start playing the sound on one of the two output devices (either the selected output device or the selected ringing device).
state() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRequestState
The Banafo Service Request state Indicates the new state in which the Banafo Service Request has transitioned into.
state() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoServiceState
The Banafo Service state Indicates the new state in which the Banafo Service has transitioned into.
status() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.ActivationResult
Activation process status result Represents the activation process starus result - "Success" or the type of failure.
status() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoIntegration
Status of the integration Status of the CRM integration.
status() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoProfile
Status of the user
status() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Provides the Call's status information
status() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Provides the Call's status information
stop() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Activation
Stops the activation process Cancels any activation in progress.
stop() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.RingBackToneControl
Stops the playing of the ringback tone The ringback tone will be stoped only if it is already running and enabled! Error will be returned otherwise.
stop() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Stops the Banafo Service Stops the already started Banafo Service along all requests associated with it.
stopCapture() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.VideoEndpointControl
Stops the video capture Not implemented!
stopContext() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Destroys the ZDK Closes network transports, terminates worker threads and frees all structures.
stopHandlingVoipPhoneCallEvents() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Stops handling Call events
stopHandlingVoipPhoneCallEvents() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Stops handling Call events
stopPlayback() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Stops any playback Stops any playback and monitored sound immediately if there is such.
stopPushAndUnregister(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
stopRecording() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Stop recording
stopRecording() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Stop recording
stopSound(Sound, AudioOutputDeviceType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.AudioEndpointControl
Stops playback of a sound Stops playing the sound.
streams() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoRecording
List of streams this recording consists of List of streams this recording consists of.
stun() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the STUN configuration
stun(StunConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the STUN configuration
StunConfig - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
STUN specific account configuration The STUN server allows clients to find out their public address, the type of NAT they are behind and the Internet side port associated by the NAT with a particular local port.
StunConfig(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
stunEnabled() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Gets the use of STUN functionality as described in RFC 3489
stunEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Configures the use of STUN functionality as described in RFC 3489
stunPort() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Gets the configured port of the STUN server Specifies the port of the STUN server.
stunPort(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Configures the port of the STUN server Specifies the port of the STUN server.
stunRefresh() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Gets the configured refresh period of the STUN server Specifies how often to refresh the STUN server.
stunRefresh(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Configures the refresh period of the STUN server Specifies how often to refresh the STUN server.
stunServer() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Gets the configured address of the STUN server Configures the address (hostname) of the STUN server.
stunServer(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Configures the address of the STUN server Configures the address (hostname) of the STUN server.
summary() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
Summary of the call Some descriptive text about the call.


terminateConnection() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Terminates user's TCP-based connection Destroys the currently used TCP-based connection.
testSIPURI(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
text() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Result
Gets the text representation of the status result of API invocation
threadID() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Gets the thread id for the video call
threadID(long) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Sets the thread id for the video call
title() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
Title of the call Some title for the concersation.
tlsConfig() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.EncryptionConfiguration
Gets the TLS specific configuration The configuration is applied with startContext! Any changes after startContext has been invoked will not take effect until a restart happens - stopContext followed by startContext.
tlsConfig(TLSConfiguration) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.EncryptionConfiguration
Sets the TLS specific configuration The configuration is applied with startContext! Any changes after startContext has been invoked will not take effect until a restart happens - stopContext followed by startContext.
TLSConfiguration - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
TLS specific account configuration The configuration is applied/initialized with startContext! Any changes after startContext has been invoked will not take effect until a restart happens - stopContext followed by startContext.
TLSConfiguration(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
tlsInitialized() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Gets whether the TLS configuration is initialized/applied Indicates whether the configuration is applied/initialized with startContext! Any changes to the configuration can take place only if it is not initialized.
tlsInitialized(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Sets whether the TLS configuration is initialized/applied Indicates whether the configuration is applied/initialized with startContext! Any changes to the configuration can take place only if it is not initialized.
TLSSecureSuiteType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
TLS secure suite type
toggleCamera() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.VideoEndpointControl
Toggles the camera Not implemented!
token() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Gets the Push Device TOKEN part of the "pn-uri" parameter used for registering a device at the Push Proxy
token(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Sets the Push Device TOKEN part of the "pn-uri" parameter used for registering a device at the Push Proxy
totalInputBytes() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets total input bytes
totalInputBytesPayload() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets total input bytes payload
totalInputPackets() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets total input packets
totalOctets() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.UploadProgress
Total number of octets/bytes to be uploaded Total number of octets/bytes to be uploaded or -1 in case the size is not known in advance.
totalOutputBytes() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets the total output bytes
totalOutputBytesPayload() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets the total output bytes payload
totalOutputPackets() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.NetworkStatistics
Gets the total output packets
TranscriptLanguage - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Banafo transcript language Describes a Banafo transcript language
TranscriptLanguage(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.TranscriptLanguage
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
transport() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Gets the selected transport being used to reach the push proxy
transport(TransportType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Selects the transport to be used to reach the push proxy
transport() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the selected SIP transport
transport(TransportType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Selects the SIP transport to be used
TransportType - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Type of the transport
type() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.AudioDevice
Gets the type of the audio device
type() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoCall
Type of the call The type of conversation, for phone calls the type should be set as `phone-call`.
type() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
Type of the contact Type of the contact, depends on the provider's supported types.
type() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoPhone
Phone number type The type of the phone number.
type() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Gets the Account's type (SIP, IAX, XMPP, etc.)
type(ProtocolType) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Sets the Account's type (SIP, IAX, XMPP, etc.)
type() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Gets the Push TYPE ("pn-type" parameter) used for registering a device at the Push Proxy
type(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Sets the Push TYPE ("pn-type" parameter) used for registering a device at the Push Proxy
type() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Message
Gets the message type
type() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.RecordingStream
Recording stream type The type of the recording stream, e.g.
types() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContactSearchCriteria
List of types to filter by List of types to filter by.


unmuteCall(Call) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Unmute a call in the conference
unRegister() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Cancels registration and/or unregisters the user If the user account is in the process of registration this function will cancel it.
unregisterAllAccounts() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.AccountProvider
Unregisters all accounts If the user account is in the process of registration this function will cancel it.
updatedAt() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoIntegration
Update date Date of last update of the integration.
UploadProgress - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
Upload progress Describes the current upload progress state.
UploadProgress(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.UploadProgress
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
uploadRecording(String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Providers.BanafoManager
Upload audio recording file to the Banafo server Adds a multipart/form-data recording file upload as described by W3C here: https: and RFC 7578.
uri() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Gets the URI part of the "pn-uri" parameter used for registering a device at the Push Proxy
uri(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.PushConfig
Sets the URI part of the "pn-uri" parameter used for registering a device at the Push Proxy
url() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoContact
URL to the contact's page Link to contact's page in the specific provider.
useDnsSrvRequests() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Gets the configured use of DNS SRV requests in a STUN server Configures the use of DNS SRV requests to find the given STUN server's address.
useDnsSrvRequests(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.StunConfig
Configures the use of DNS SRV requests in a STUN server Configures the use of DNS SRV requests to find the given STUN server's address.
useMSRPRelay() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Gets the use of MSRP relay functionality as described in RFC 4976 Routes all MSRP requests through the MSRP relay configured with msrpRelayURL.
useMSRPRelay(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.MSRPConfig
Configures the use of MSRP relay functionality as described in RFC 4976 Routes all MSRP requests through the MSRP relay configured with msrpRelayURL.
useOnlyStrongCyphers() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Gets whether to to limit the use to only of strong cypher If enabled, will limit the ciphers to 3DES and AES (RC4 or DES will not be allowed)
useOnlyStrongCyphers(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.TLSConfiguration
Configures whether to to limit the use to only of strong cypher If enabled, will limit the ciphers to 3DES and AES (RC4 or DES will not be allowed)
useOutboundProxy() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the use of SIP Outbound as described in RFC 5626 Enables or disables RFC 5626 for SIP users.
useOutboundProxy(boolean) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Configures the use of SIP Outbound as described in RFC 5626 Enables or disables RFC 5626 for SIP users.
userAgent() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Gets the ZDK's user agent Used in SIP messages mainly.
userAgent(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Sets the ZDK's user agent Used in SIP messages mainly.
userCode() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoServiceState
The user code for Authorizing the Banafo Service verification Contains the new user code that has to be displayed to the end user if the new state is BanafoServicestateType::VerifyingAuthorizing.
userHandle() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Account
Gets the underlying user handler ID Internally assigned on successful createUser invocation and invalidated on removeUser.
userName() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Gets the Account's username (SIP, IAX, XMPP, etc, depending on the Account type)
userName(String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.AccountConfig
Sets the Account's username (SIP, IAX, XMPP, etc, depending on the Account type)
username() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ProxyConfig
The username to use when authenticating
userSipInstance() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ContextConfiguration
Generate a random UUID to be used for SIP user instance Generates a valid RFC 4122 (RFC 2141) UUID URN that can be used for RFC 5626 (SIP Outbound).


value() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoEventState
Event specific data Contains the event specific data.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AccountStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ActivationFlags
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ActivationStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ActiveCallChange
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioDeviceState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioDeviceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioFileFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioOutputDeviceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioResampler
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioRoutingEndpoint
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioSourcePresetType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioVideoCodecs
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AutomaticGainControlType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.BanafoEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.BanafoRequestStateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.BanafoServiceErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.BanafoServiceStateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CallLineStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CallMediaChannel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CallSecurityLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CameraSensorLocation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CertificateError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ContactStateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ContactType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.DTMFCodes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.DTMFType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.EchoCancellationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.HostAPI
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.IpVersionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.LayerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.LoggingFacility
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.LoggingLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.MessageStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.MessageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.NetworkQualityLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.NetworkType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.OriginType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.OSCallRejectionReason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.OwnershipChange
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.PermissionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.PhoneType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ProbeState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ProtocolType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ProxyModeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ProxyProtocolType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RecordingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RejectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ResultCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RPortType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RTCPFeedbackType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RTPCollisionResolutionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.SecureCertStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.SecureUserConfigType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.SessionTimerModeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.SipMethodTypes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.TLSSecureSuiteType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.TransportType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.VideoFrameFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPAuthTag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPCipherAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPHashAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPKeyAgreement
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPSASEncoding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.HeaderField
List of header field values
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AccountStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ActivationFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ActivationStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ActiveCallChange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioDeviceState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioDeviceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioFileFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioOutputDeviceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioResampler
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioRoutingEndpoint
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioSourcePresetType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AudioVideoCodecs
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.AutomaticGainControlType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.BanafoEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.BanafoRequestStateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.BanafoServiceErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.BanafoServiceStateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CallLineStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CallMediaChannel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CallSecurityLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CameraSensorLocation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.CertificateError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ContactStateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ContactType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.DTMFCodes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.DTMFType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.EchoCancellationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.HostAPI
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.IpVersionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.LayerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.LoggingFacility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.LoggingLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.MessageStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.MessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.NetworkQualityLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.NetworkType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.OriginType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.OSCallRejectionReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.OwnershipChange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.PermissionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.PhoneType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ProbeState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ProtocolType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ProxyModeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ProxyProtocolType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RecordingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RejectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.ResultCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RPortType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RTCPFeedbackType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.RTPCollisionResolutionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.SecureCertStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.SecureUserConfigType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.SessionTimerModeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.SipMethodTypes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.TLSSecureSuiteType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.TransportType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.VideoFrameFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPAuthTag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPCipherAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPHashAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPKeyAgreement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp.ZRTPSASEncoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verificationURI() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.BanafoServiceState
The URI for verifying the new device Contains the URI where the end user have to visit to be able to verify the new device if the new state is BanafoServicestateType::VerifyingAuthorizing.
verifyUserCertificate(String, String) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.EncryptionConfiguration
Verifies usability for SSL certificate and key pair This function can be used to check if a certificate and key pair found in a PEM or PKCS#12 file is valid before applying it to a user.
videoCallInfo() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Gets Video call information Gets if video is present, local or remote.
videoCallInfo() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Gets Video call information Gets if video is present, local or remote.
VideoCallInfo - Class in com.zoiper.zdk
VideoCallInfo(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
videoControls() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Context
Gets the video endpoint's main entry point Entry point for controlling the video endpoint
VideoEndpointControl - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers
Video endpoint's main entry point Entry point for controlling the video endpoint
VideoEndpointControl(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Controllers.VideoEndpointControl
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
VideoFrameFormat - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types
Video frame format types
videoGetCameraLocation() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Provides Camera location Provides Camera location ( Front, Back, NA )
videoGetCameraLocation() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Provides Camera location Provides Camera location ( Front, Back, NA )
VideoRendererEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
VideoSinkEventsHandler - Interface in com.zoiper.zdk.EventHandlers
videoToggleCamera() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Call
Toggles the camera
videoToggleCamera() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Conference
Toggles the camera


width() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Gets the width of the frame
width(int) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.VideoCallInfo
Sets the width of the frame


zrtp() - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Gets the ZRTP configuration
zrtp(ZRTPConfig) - Method in class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.SIPConfig
Sets the ZRTP configuration
ZRTPAuthTag - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp
ZRTP Authentication tag types
ZRTPCipherAlgorithm - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp
ZRTP Cipher algorithm types
ZRTPConfig - Class in com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations
ZRTP specific account configuration
ZRTPConfig(long) - Constructor for class com.zoiper.zdk.Configurations.ZRTPConfig
Constructor storing the pointer/address to the underlying native object
ZRTPHashAlgorithm - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp
ZRTP hash algorithm types
ZRTPKeyAgreement - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp
ZRTP key agreement types
ZRTPSASEncoding - Enum in com.zoiper.zdk.Types.Zrtp
ZRTP SAS encoding types
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